Saturday, September 17, 2011

'Low Places'

Sometimes we are forced to look in the 'low places' in order to find reality. Its the low places that are dirty, messy, and full of guilt and shame, but ironically enough is where we find the most grace. I recently heard it said that, 'grace flows downhill and it pools in the lowest places.'
On Wednesday we took a tour of 'underground' denver, where most people wouldn't dare to go. We walked along the Cherry Creek, that flows right near downtown, seeing million dollar condos right next to squats under the railroad tracks. We went inside tunnels where street kids will go just to escape from the city for a while. We saw their pain in the darkness of these places, drug wrappers, needles, bottles of alcohol, and graffati. 
If we are truly following Jesus, we will look into these low, dark places to meet these people right where they are.  Even if we aren't on the front lines working with them daily, we still need to be aware of their existence and the reality of their situations.  We need to treat them with dignity when we meet them on the streets.  Look them in the eye, ask them their name and give them the dignity not only of a human, but as a child of God.
I'm still learning about the issues of homelessness and poverty and Im excited to share those things when i learn them myself, but what i am learning is that every piece of trash that you see on the ground has a story connected to it.  That piece of trash didnt just randomly make it there on the ground.  There was somebody drinking that bottle of booze... Maybe it was even on the 2 dollars that you gave them out of the goodness of your heart.  Furstrating?  Of course, but is it possible to look past the trash and see the person behind it.
Since my time in Denver, we have been talking about pain and the importance of recogonizing it in our own lives.  It seems that we are so busy and have distractions around every corner to keep us fromfeeling and recogonizing our own pain.  We rarely want to look into the 'low' and painful areas within our own lives, but we must step into and wade in our own pain before we can ever fully know and give ourselves.  If i never acknowlege my own pain, i will never see it around me.  This is a very uncomfortable idea, but allows us to be raw.  I believe that this quote sums it up...

'in your own pain, there you will find mine as well...'

I won't understand your situation, but if i recogonize the pain in my life i can empathize with what pain feels like. 

My prayer is that I would see everyone through the eyes of Jesus... I challenge you to pray this prayer this week and just see what happens...

If you have any questions or anything you want to share, please do.  I love learning from others and asking hard questions with people.

Here is a short video of one of the 'low places' that we went into...

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